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Pastor Ancel Rowe 

Founder & Pastor

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Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I count this a privilege and an honor to serve as the founder and Pastor of Rebirth Ministries. I gave my heart to the lord at a very tender age, at Cumberland New Testament Church of God, Clarendon Jamaica, WI. 


As a young man growing up in church, I have a passion for music. I count myself privileged to learn the basics in Keyboard, drumming and bass guitar. I also served my local church in Youth Ministry, Men's department and later Praise and Worship Leader and Head Choir Director.


I later moved to the United Kingdom in my latter teen years. I continued serving God. I started worshipping at Clapham New Testament Church of God, then later moved to The  Light & Life Full Gospel Fellowship where I served in different ministries for over 11 years, serving God continued at  Tabernacle House of Praise where I served as a Lay Minister.

Through life's struggles, I learn how to deal on my past, my past is my past, many dangers and failures, but I choose to love the Lord over my past, failures and fairs. 

For me, love is the fundamental principle that underpins my faith in God and the restoration of my walk with him. I have many challenges and still have those challenges today, but God is the ultimate driver in my life.


This helps to develop a closer walk with God and a good and solid relationship with my faith.
God has lent me many gifts and talents to use for his glory; no doubt, I will continue to use them to strengthen his will in my life.

I am called to a higher place, and I wish nothing but to fulfil God's mission and calling in my life.

I am proud to lead this great organisation with one vison as the name suggested" Rebirth". Many have little or no relation with God, many have lost their way, many are not sure if God is still the ultimate driver of their daily walk, many may have challenges to which are not tolerated by others because you are simply different, God had called me specifically for this cause.

I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is God's power that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. (Romans 1 Vs 16). 

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